You might not be satisfied with any deal that comes to a conclusion today, so do your best to put off signing an important document. You can call this "procrastination with a purpose." Any need to move quickly isn't really in your interest, so if others are pushing you, gently push back. The energy will change over the next few weeks, altering your perspective on what to do next...
Be careful what you say, for your message can inspire others to action -- even if it isn't what you expect. You won't know how to convince people to join in your cause, mostly because you are so emotionally involved with the outcome that it's tough to be objective. Try stepping back and give everyone a bit of breathing room. Then reassess your plans before climbing back onto your soapbox.
Chego à conclusão que deve haver um horóscopo novo...
Portanto, tu desaceleras e eu faço os outros desacelerar...
Nada mais correcto... e lá vamos decifrando as sombras no meio de um equilíbrio...
O teu xi...