hand in heart

postcard from purgatory...
Strange boat sirens born on the horizon...
Echoes of regreats...
Tangos danced with "God knows who..."...
Accordeonistic tears...
Holistic spells...
Dismembering truckle beds...
I'm waiting for the call...
Miraculous void call...
Can you imagine a grape without the skin?
Will you be patient to taste the pulp? Only the pulp?
Never forget the seeds inside...
Although humans are now planting grapes without seeds...
Are humans becomming grapes without seeds?
Can you feel your seed?! your field? your wind?
Can you feel the pleasure?
Although dying and reborning...
Your seeds will always be the same...
I like that... I like you to...
Seedbeds made of hard land
Are worked by the Force
So seeds can be taken
Established Freedom
Equality Becomes
Love covers Fraternity
Earned by difference
Serenity is disclosed
When the I and myself turn out one
The Master designed
For humanity to build
In self conscience
have a nice day
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